Can Coughing Cause a Hernia?

Can Coughing Cause a Hernia?

By: Comfort Truss


We've all heard that you can get a hernia if you don't lift heavy objects properly. But what if you have a virus and experience severe congestion – can coughing cause a hernia?

If you've always wondered exactly what a hernia is and how you can get one, read on. We'll discuss whether you can get a hernia from coughing, how to know if you have a hernia and how Comfort-Truss hernia belts can bring relief so you can start enjoying your favorite activities again.

What Are Hernias?

When tissue pushes through a weak spot in a muscle, it's called a hernia. Here are some interesting facts about the most common hernias courtesy of The National Library of Medicine:

  • Most hernias occur in the abdominal wall.
  • 4% of people over 45 years will develop a hernia.
  • Inguinal hernias account for 75% of hernias in the abdomen.
  • Men have a 27% chance of getting an inguinal hernia (it's 3% for women).

Hiatal Hernias on the Rise

Hiatal hernias are being diagnosed more frequently due to an aging population and an increase in obesity. It's estimated that as many as 50% of adults over 60 will develop a hiatal hernia, which happens when the stomach protrudes through the hiatus. This is a small opening in the diaphragm that your esophagus passes through before meeting up with your stomach. Pregnant women also experience hiatal hernias because of the pressure that babies exert on their diaphragm.

Can Coughing Cause a Hernia

Turn Your Head and Cough

In many cases, there are no symptoms of an inguinal hernia. However, sometimes men can feel a bulge in their stomach or groin that's painful, creating a burning or aching sensation, particularly when they bend over or do certain activities. The only way to know for sure if they have a hernia is to be checked out by a licensed physician. The doctor will initially conduct a hernia cough test by instructing the patient to cough while examining their inguinal canal, which is located in the vicinity of the groin.

What Happens When You Cough?

In all probability, you haven't given much thought to what happens when you cough. Essentially, your lungs are irritated and are trying to expel a foreign object or fluids. When you inhale, the epiglottis (the opening to your throat) closes, your chest constricts and compresses the air in your lungs. Then the epiglottis lets loose and pushes out a burst of air. Given the force it produces, it's not a surprise there is a correlation between a hernia and coughing.


Can Coughing Cause a Hernia


How Do You Get a Hernia From Coughing?

Having an occasional cough is not likely to bring on a hernia. However, a persistent cough can do more than cause chest pain – it can put undue pressure on your abdomen. If there's a place in your abdominal muscles that's already weakened, you could get a hernia from coughing too hard.

The kind of persistent cough we're talking about is likely to be caused by conditions such as:

  • Bronchitis
  • COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
  • Prolonged Smoking
  • COVID-19
  • Asthma
  • Allergies

If you experience groin pain when coughing, you may have developed a hernia from coughing too hard.

A Proactive Approach to Managing Your Hernia

George Hirst, the founder of Comfort-Truss, was able to manage his hernia without surgery. Using a hernia belt he devised for himself, and by making certain lifestyle changes, he was able to reduce his hernia to the point where he is now asymptomatic. You can learn the techniques George used to deal with his hernia and see how they can help you. The Proactive Approach to Hernia Intervention has everything you need to head down the right path to managing your hernia.